
Snowmass Chili Pepper Judge

Snowmass Chili Pepper & Brew Fest Judges Only

Snowmass Chili Pepper & Brew Fest Judges Only

I was fortunate to be a judge for the 6th Annual Chili Pepper & Brew Fest this past Friday. I judge the Chili Verde (green chili.) I thought it would be a simple matter of tasting and ranking the Chili. We had a 15 minute introductions on the rules. No twittering, no facial expressions, and no talking were the first rules. We had to rank the Chili on the spiciness, if the flavor penetrated the meat, and the consistency.


One important rule that all the boys followed strictly was cleansing your palette between chiles with beer. We received free beer from Arrogant Bastard Beer which I’ve never tried. I was getting a bit loopy when I realized it had 7.2% alcohol. Not your usual beer!

We tasted 13 different chiles and ranked the top 3! We tallied the results and had a run off for 1st place and 3rd place. We all went back for seconds to end the tie brakers. I loved being a judge and Chili Verde is one of my favorite Chiles. I would definitely do it again!

Tasting Chili and Ranking the top 3! The Beer the Judges had to drink to cleanse our palettes!Red Chili Cook Off

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