Aspen Restaurants

Free Coffee @ Starbucks

This weekend Starbuck’s is promoting their new instant brew “via” with free taste tests at any Starbuck’s.  They are supposed to be a blind testing with a Starbuck’s drip coffee and the Instant Coffee.  The promotion states that you can get a free cup of any coffee after the tasting.  For me at the Aspen Starbuck’s I found that they are not completely in the loop to Starbuck’s first ever TV ads promoting this tasting.  When I asked for a tasting they just simply let me try a cup of the instant on the house. Which ultimately was a free cup of Joe in downtown Aspen which worked well enough on this beautiful fall day.  Am I hooked?  I don’t know, but it is rather reminiscent of the story I’ve heard about drug dealers giving out free samples of their products.  So be careful, but stop in for a free cup this weekend Oct. 2-4th 2009.

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