Aspen Restaurants

Catherine eats Aspen: Su Casa

Review of Su Casa Mexican restaurant in Aspen (July 2012)
by Catherine

mexican dinnerI have a very set list of restaurants I frequent when I’m looking to satisfy a specific appetite. For Chinese I go to Little Ollie’s, Italian you’ll find me at Bruno’s, Breakfast is forever at Peach’s, and when I’m hankering for some good old Mexicano I always go to Su Casa. It’s been a Ward family haunt for over seven years now, and we have never seen a reason to switch it up. The food is delicious. Predictable, yes, but the customers usually aren’t looking for something fancy.

Su Casa is located downstairs from the Wild Fig, just a step away from central Aspen. It’s not much on the outside, but the inside is locked in a perpetual state of fiesta. Sombrero’s and colorful paper flowers are stuck in every available corner, the walls and floors are cheerfully tiled, and a smoking bottle of Tabasco occupies the center of every table. The wait staff is cheerful and helpful throughout your entire stay. They do not hustle you to a table with the standard harassed waitress impatience, and after your meal they are perfectly content to let you relax and digest for a bit. They’re fairly quick with seating a party but are also lenient if you seat yourself.

Imminently you are supplied with a heaping basket of chips, well salted, and often still hot from the fryer. The salsa is fresh and tangy, with a hint of spice. There are plenty of other dips available for purchase as well. I don’t recommend getting too full though; leave some space for the food.

There is every kind of Mexican food on the menu. Quesadilla’s, ceviche’s, burrito’s, enchiladas, tacos, salads, chimichangas, and my personal favorite, the fajitas. They come out on this sizzling cast iron platter, and you can hear them hiss from anywhere in the restaurant. They leave a trail of delicious greasy steam behind them that trails all the way back to the skillet they came from. There will be no lukewarm chewy meat tonight, no sir. The onions, peppers, and meat are still spitting flames when they reach your plate. It’s an explosion of flavor that just keeps giving and giving. I highly recommend it.

Everything is good though. The specialties are all creative, and a terrific blend of flavors. The classics will satisfy all cravings, and the portions are enormous. Any meal is big enough for two hungry people. If you’re starving get your own. All the prices are wallet friendly.

Another enormous plus to Su Casa is Happy Hour. I have never personally tried it out, but I’ve heard Su Casa has the best happy hour deals in Aspen. The bar menu is super reasonable, and I’ve seen people burn through their margaritas like water. Apparently they’re a must try.

– Catherine W.


Local foodie, Catherine Ward, is leaving Aspen next year to attend boarding school in Connecticut. As sad as she is to be leaving, she’s making the most of her last summer by chowing on all the delicious food Aspen has to offer. She’s ready and willing to embark on this summer culinary adventure and is looking forward to keeping the public updated on her antics. She enjoys eating, writing, and socializing, so restaurant reviewing could very well be, her true calling.

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